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The 2024 JLU China-Japan Hydrological Workshop for Young Scientists Was Hosted by Our College

Author: Date: 2024-12-12 13:35click: [ ]

On November 20, 2024, the "2024 Jilin University China-Japan Hydrological Workshop for Young Scientists" was successfully held in Changchun, Jilin. The workshop was primarily based on the Jilin University China-Japan-South Korea Water Science Education and Research Cooperation Platform and Academic Alliance. It invited young scientists, including graduate students and postdocs, from the University of Tokyo and Nagoya University in Japan to visit Jilin University and engage in academic exchanges with graduate students from the College of New Energy and Environment, Jilin University.

The workshop was moderated by Associate Professor Youcan Feng, and Associate Professor Gaohong Yin attended it. Prof. Feng introduced Changchun, Jilin University, the College of New Energy and Environment, and the Department of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering in sequence for the overseas visitors, showcasing our academic strengths and research progress. Prof. Feng extended a warm welcome to the outstanding young scientists from the University of Tokyo and Nagoya University, expressing his hope that the workshop would promote academic exchange and cooperation.

Associate Professor Youcan Feng from Jilin University delivered a welcome speech

Six presentations were delivered on the workshop, including "Deep Leaning-Based Correction Method for Global Precipitation Forecasts" presented by Songliang Chen from Jilin University, "Estimating Riverine Plastic Budget in Brantas River, Indonesia" presented by Rizki Ramadhani Pratama from Nagoya University, "Developing a Satellite Image-Based Model to Estimate Suspended Sediment Concentration in Global Rivers" presented by Kota Ishida from the University of Tokyo, "Variations in the Streamflow of the Nierji Reservoir Basin and Quantification of the Influencing Factors" presented by Chunxu Han from Jilin University, "Analysis of River Cross-Section Data for Clarifying the Cause of Major River Morphology Changes by Floods in a Gravel River" presented by Nonoka Sakaue from Nagoya University, "Assimilation of Remotely-Sensed Discharge into a Global Water Resources Model" presented by Yuki Ishikawa from the University of Tokyo, "Numerical Simulation of Wave-Induced Scour in Front of Vertical and Inclined Breakwaters" presented by Xin Liu from Nagoya University, and "Flood Impact Assessment Using Nighttime Light Remote Sensing Data" presented by Dr. Yang Hu from the University of Tokyo.

At the workshop, the audience actively participated in the discussion contributing to a fruitful academic communication event. Prof. Feng summarized the workshop in the end and sincerely thank all the attendees for their contributions on the development of the water science among China, Japan, South Korea from the next generations. With the success of this workshop, more opportunities for international academic exchange and research collaborations would be expected in the future.

Group photo of attendees

(Author: Jiaqing Li)